CARE Surrogacy Mexico

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Surrogacy Options for the LGBT Community

Surrogacy Options for the LGBT Community —

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual single intended parents or same-sex couples have essentially the same set of choices in assisted reproductive technologies as any other couple.

Our expert level of care goes beyond equality — as we push forward to meet our LGBT patient’s individual needs and desires — in Puerto Vallarta.

Contact CARE today... We can't wait to hear from you!

The Center embraces a vision that nothing is impossible, and if your dreams of building a family is persistently followed, it can be achieved — the cornerstone of CARE Surrogacy Center Mexico.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

IVF with Surrogacy — At First Glance

IVF with Surrogacy — At First Glance
  • An unselfish, caring surrogate mother is a woman who carries a pregnancy for another deserving couple or single intended parent.
  • A gestational surrogate mother carries to term a pregnancy; through in vitro fertilization an embryo is created with the sperm and egg of the intended parents, or with the help of egg donation or sperm donation. The embryos are then transferred to the gestational surrogate.
  • There are a number of legal issues involved in surrogacy arrangements, our exceptional reproductive lawyer, Ivan Davydov, will help you through the entire process.

    The Center embraces a vision that nothing is impossible, and if your dreams of building a family is persistently followed, it can be achieved — the cornerstone of CARE Surrogacy Center Mexico.